Sturgeon Lake

Figure 3: 2023 Ground EM results (showing Bz Channel 29 conductor) with interpreted (from assessment reports) location of copper-rich historical drill holes.

Figure 2: Priority drill target areas with soils and VTEM (SFz15 EM) as background.

The Sturgeon Lake VMS Property lies immediately north and adjacent to Glencore’s past-producing mines and is host to the highly prospective continuation of the volcanogenic massive sulphide (“VMS”) producing volcanic stratigraphy. Numerous historical drill intercepts on the property host anomalous zinc - copper mineralization and favourable VMS geology. Drill holes H-9 and C-81-2 (Ontario Assessment File 52G15NW0038) also display strong potential for both copper and gold-rich VMS systems in two highly prospective areas, where drill intercepts of 3.1% Cu / 0.3m and 5.8g/t Au / 0.9m were realized. Historic hole locations have not been verified in the field and are interpreted from assessment reports.
The Sturgeon Lake VMS mining camp is host to five high-grade past producing zinc – copper – lead – silver - gold mines of Glencore plc, having a total combined production of 19.8Mt @ 8.50% Zn, 1.06% Cu, 0.91% Pb and 119.7g/t Ag (Franklin, J. M., 1996. Volcanic-associated massive sulphide base metals in Eckstrand, O. R., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R.I. (eds.), Geol. Survey Canada Geology of Canada 8, 158-183.).
The Sturgeon Lake Mine Camp is located within the prolific Sturgeon Lake greenstone belt in the Wabigoon sub-province of Ontario’s Superior Province, approximately 270 kilometers northwest of Thunder Bay.
Figure 1: 2023 Soil results (Cu-Ag-Au) with VTEM (SFz15 EM) as background.